December 7, 2015

Learning to Laugh at Myself

A while ago, Will and I made a YouTube channel. After three videos, we started getting requests from our subscribers (and some friends) to start vlogging. So as of November 23rd, we became professional vloggers :) If you're interested in that kind of thing, I encourage you to check us out!

Our most recent upload is a video of us sharing our most embarrassing moments.

I'm not going to lie, I was apprehensive about uploading it after watching the finished product. But some time ago, I realized that I had started to take myself too seriously and it often times brought down my mood. Since maybe around April or May, I've been a lot more light hearted and I've noticed a big change. I'm so much happier now than I was before and I even noticed a difference in my self-esteem. And though sometimes I have to remind myself to not take things too seriously, I'm improving every day. This video was a big step out of my comfort zone but I'm glad I did it. And I'm so happy I was able to make this video with Will. He's always been good at laughing at himself and maintaining his happiness. I don't know why I didn't notice this before. It seems intuitive that overthinking is bad for you, but I was too wrapped up in the idea of perfection that I didn't realize how my thinking affected my emotional well-being. But now, I'm learning more and more every day how to be unapologetically me. I laugh at and learn from my mistakes and I'm not so critical. This allows me to appreciate each day in a way that I once wasn't able to. And it's awesome!

So if any of you guys are feeling down or anxious all the time, consider the possibility that you're taking life too seriously and not laughing at yourself enough. Changing your point of view in life is easier than it seems, I promise. And the rewards are amazing :)

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